Thursday, February 19, 2009


Time might seem slow here in Muar, but it really isn't true as its my second month already. Life is just really quiet and peaceful here and most of my time spend would be at home, busy doing research, watching Chinese series drama or doing some baking, cooking...
I miss time back in KL, my friend told me today that she misses those time when I was around. I do miss those time as well, old things has to past, or new things won't be able to come, but I was really touch to hear that. For a second thought, I wish clock would turned back:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First Valentine

Had a rough day in the morning, 3 of my staff were quarreling with one another and I had to deal with all 3 of them. Now I understand how is like to manage people, its not easy especially when they are from small towns, they never know what is company policy to abide and other standard procedures a staff has to follow. It is difficult to set their mentality accordingly, but in certain things I am training them and probably in certain areas I would need to have leniency too.
Anyways, off the above situation, we celebrated valentine a day earlier on Friday instead as we had to have worship practice on Saturday which was good as well, as usually Valentines day, all prices goes up. Valentin didn't occurred in my mind till David reminded me of it. It was a surprise where he arranged a spa for me (to cool off...haha) and we had dinner in a dimmest cafe ever"Zane Cafe" and finally he gave me a rose which made up my day!
Besides my Valentine story, another interesting story took place early on Valentine morning, Susanne got a call from a flower shop saying that they had a bouquet of flower to deliver to her, she went down from her room and got her flowers which was from Jaya, how romantic Jaya could be!!! That was a surprise and am sure a surprise to all who knows Jaya...hahaha

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Added Team

An added staff to my team today, her name is Aunty Sock Heng. She is really hardworking, efficient in her work and particular of detailed cleanliness and I am glad that she can be part of our team as she would be able to motivate the rest of the team.
Before, I was really hoping that there would be one more to join our housekeeping team as I felt that there is still a lack of one man power. My request has been answered but now, I do hope that 3 of my staff would work well together as a team.